Bees seen around a home are most often carpenter, bumble or honey bees. Many people mistake the carpenter bee for the bumble bee, as they are similar in appearance, but knowing how to get rid of carpenter bees may not be the same as how to get rid of bumble bees. An established bee colony will sometimes divides itself, and one or more swarms will leave the hive. The new swarm may cluster for a while on a tree limb or bush near the old hive while scout bee search for a suitable place to establish a new home. Usually scout bee find a hollow tree, but occasionally they will choose the wall voids of a home. Unfortunately, bee may nest in the wall or attic some distance from where they enter the wall.
The risk of getting stung is often the main problem caused by bees. Many species are known to sting humans and other animals, though most bees only sting when threatened or defending the nest. Bee stings may be painful or even fatal in extreme cases where the victim has a serious allergic reaction to the bee venom.
It is important to properly identify the particular species living near your home, as bees are often mistaken for wasps due to their similar physical characteristics. There are different elimination processes for wasps and bees, so effective treatment relies upon proper identification. For the proper removal and prevention of bee infestations, contacting with us because we have a trained pest control specialist is typically the most serviceable solution.